Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day 3 - Session 1 - Pick your Service

I'm feeling a bit under the weather today, so my Blog-fu might be a little weak today.

Starting off today, we're discussing Web Services, and how exactly they fit into your application.

Quick note, this speaker is horrible, and goes a million miles an hour without explaining anything, often going over 4-5 FULL slides within a matter of seconds. Sorry for the lack of in-depth descriptions and/or a stream of conciousness.

What is a web service?
  • Automate communications between systems by removing the human element as much as possible.
  • Exchange information that different systems need yet don't share the same platform.
HTTP Auth:
  • Extension of the HTTP protocol used for ident auth (RFC 2617)
  • Zend_Auth_Adapter_Http - Supports Basic and Digest.
Common Server Components:
  • Zend_Server_Interface "enforces" the use of the SoapServer API on server classes.
  • Zend_Server_Reflection extends the PHP5 Reflection API to add features used in introspection for gather/delivering API metadata to clients.
  • Zend_Server_Abstract is likely to be deprecated.
  • POST generally used for Create, Update, Delete
  • GET generally for Read.
--- I'm sorry, this guy moves too fast and mumbles, and I honestly don't have the capacity to keep up with him (as seemingly no one around me does either as they're all going "robble robble robble"). Sorry folks

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